HC-05 Bluetooth based wireless notice board

 The common way to advertise is to make banners, hoardings, paintings, etc. But now a day’s digital display is also getting popular to display advertisement, because of their durability and customization feature. So, in this tutorial, we will make a wireless noticeboard. Here we are using only one P10 display but you can build any size of the display for your advertisement board.

In one of our tutorials, we interfaced the P10 display with Arduino. You can follow this tutorial on how to interface with the P10 display. And jump into this tutorial to build your own Wireless advertisement board.

This is an electronic wireless display board. Using Arduino, HC-05, and P10/DMD Display.

P10 display pin descriptions:

  • Pin1 (OE) - is the enable pin and it is used to control the brightness of the panel.
  • Pin2 (A) and Pin3 (B) are the two selection line to select from multiple rows.
  • Pin8 (CLK), Pin10 (SCLK), and Pin12 (DATA): are the control and data pins of the shift register.
  • P10 display uses SPI communication to communicate with Arduino. So, in our code, we will use the SPI library.


Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino UNO
  • P10 display.
  • HC-05 Bluetooth module.
  • Connecting wires

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE (You can download it from HERE)
  • DMD Library (Download it HERE)
  • TimerOne Library (Download it HERE)

Block diagram: 

Circuit diagram: Please follow the circuit diagram and the below table to build the connection correctly. 

P10 display connection with Arduino UNO:

P10 DisplayArduino UNO
PIN2 (A) and PIN3 (B)D6 and D7 respectively


HC-05 Bluetooth module with Arduino UNO:

HC-05Arduino UNO
TxPin2 (Rx of software serial)
RxPin3 (Tx of software serial)


Download the complete source code: click here

Video Tutorial:

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