How to Interface P10 display using Arduino UNO


Advertising is the most common and important thing for a product, service, or any feature you want to sell. The common way to advertise is to make banners, hoardings, paintings, etc. But now a day’s digital display is also getting popular to display advertisement, because of their durability, and customization feature. You can set text, display images and even you can play a video on the display. These boards are a little costly but due to their features, it's gaining a place in the market. In this tutorial, we will interface a red 32x16 dot matrix display (DMD).

The size of the P10 display is 6 inches in height and 11 inches in width. The display contains a total of 512 LEDs. LED color varies according to your purchase. Here I am using a RED DMD display.

Using P10 display you can build any size of display for your advertisement board. These display boards are IP65 waterproof.

Specification of P10 display:

  • Brightness  - up to 5000
  • Maximum power consumption - 20watts
  • IP65 waterproof.
  • Pixel configuration - 10mm

P10 display pin descriptions:

  • Pin 1(OE)- is the enable pin and is used to control the brightness of the panel.
  • Pin2 (A) and Pin3 (B) are the two selection line to select from multiple rows.
  • Pin8 (CLK), Pin10 (SCLK), and Pin12 (DATA): are the control pins of the shift register.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino UNO board
  • P10 display
  • Connecting wires

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE (You can download it from HERE
  • DMD Library (Download it HERE)
  • TimerOne Library ( Download it HERE)


Block diagram:

Circuir diagram: Please follow the circuit diagram and table of connection below correctly. Power to P10 display should be given externally with any 2amp 5v source.

P10 DisplayArduino UNO
PIN2 (A) and PIN3 (B)D6 and D7 respectively

Full source code: The code I am using here is the code provided in the dem_code file of DMD library. So do not confuse on my code to interface.

Video Tutorial:


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